Hurricane Preparation Checklist

Hurricane season starts June 1st. Are you ready? Save this checklist for reference, and face the hurricane season with confidence.

Before the Hurricane:

☐ Create an Emergency Plan

- Establish evacuation routes and identify emergency shelters.

- Ensure all family members understand the plan and know where to meet if separated.

☐ Assemble an Emergency Kit

- Include non-perishable food, water (at least one gallon per person per day for at least three days), medications, flashlight, batteries, first aid supplies, cash, and important documents (insurance policies, identification, etc.).

☐ Secure Your Home

- Trim trees and bushes to minimize potential debris.

- Reinforce windows with storm shutters or plywood.

- Bring in outdoor furniture, decorations, and other loose items.

- Install straps or clips to secure the roof to the structure of your home.

☐ Check Your Insurance Coverage

- Review your homeowners or renters insurance policy to ensure it covers wind and flood damage adequately.

- Consider purchasing flood insurance if you live in a high-risk area.

☐ Stay Informed

- Monitor weather forecasts and updates from local authorities.

- Sign up for emergency alerts and notifications.

During the Hurricane:

☐ Stay Indoors

- Avoid going outside, as strong winds and flying debris pose significant risks.

- Stay away from windows and glass doors.

☐ Stay Informed

- Listen to a battery-powered radio or TV for updates and instructions from local officials.

☐ Prepare for Power Outages

- Use flashlights instead of candles to avoid fire hazards.

- Turn off major appliances to prevent damage from power surges when the electricity is restored.

- Keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed to maintain food freshness.

After the Hurricane:

☐ Safety First

- Watch out for downed power lines, flooded areas, and other hazards.

- Only return home when authorities indicate it's safe to do so.

☐ Assess Damage

- Check your home for damage, but do so cautiously.

- Take photos or videos of any damage for insurance purposes.

☐ Contact Your Insurance Company

- Report any damage to your insurance provider as soon as possible.

- Follow their instructions for filing a claim and documenting losses.

☐ Clean Up Safely

- Wear protective gear (gloves, boots, masks) when cleaning up debris.

- Be cautious of standing water, which may be contaminated.

☐ Stay Connected

- Keep in touch with family, friends, and neighbors to offer support and assistance.


Selling Your Home During Hurricane Season: Tips for Safety and Success 


Why Reviewing Your Insurance Before Hurricane Season is Crucial